So after much prodding by Aisha and Whit, I have arrived!
Hmm...'bout me, eh? Well, I'm 18. I'm applying for college. In fact, I just finished my last application today. -dances-
Well...I ride horses. I have three of them. Oh, I know! I'll post a thing I wrote for myself in an application on neopets. -blushes- xD Because I'm too lazy to type out something new.
I'll try to generalize as much of myself as I can. First, and probably most important, my name. Jennie. I'm 18 on December 26th! I am a senior in high school, and I'm counting the days until graduation. Not that I don't enjoy my school - I do. Although after thirteen years with the same people, I'm excited to be going off to a new school with a new group of people. Yes, I live in one of those small towns where everyone knows everyone else and it's impossible to walk out the door without running into one of your parent's friends.
Despite the constant studying for school, I am also a member of our Pony Club. Now, if there is one thing I would say I live for, it's riding horses. Many people believe that horseback riding is a solitary sport. They look and only see one person in the ring. What they can't see is the group of people who are waiting at the exit gate, ready to help, to offer encouragement if things went wrong or share in the excitement of a job well done. Spectators only see the one, three-minute dressage test but they can't know how many hours - days, weeks - of practice went into each little part. Each movement requires horse and rider to be physically and mentally attuned to each other – perfectly in sync.
Right now, I have three horses. My darling, I admit I am biased when it comes to him, is Chester. He's 17 hands, which, if you don't know about horses, is tall. He's my main show horse. Meaning, the only horse I own that isn't for sale and never will be. Then I have a pony named Robin Hood who is an amazing jumper. I mean, he's got wings! Anyway, the last, and newest member of my mismatched group is named Gothic Lolita, but I call her Misa after the Gothic Lolita model in Death Note.
In the first two paragraphs I kind of blew off school, but I am quite good at it. Right now, my aspiration is to go to college for biochemistry or mechanical engineering. I know, they aren't related at all. Although, last year I took a creative writing class in school and adored learning all the different styles of writing. So basically my future is up in the air.